
PSP50922 – Diploma of Interpreting

This course is designed for those who wish to interpret from a source language to a target language, in general dialogue and monologue settings where the interpreter is able to physically control the discourse to assist retention and recall.

PSP60822 – Advanced Diploma of Translating

This course is designed for preparing translators to translate texts where there may be significant equivalence problems between source and target text, the subject of the text has its own specific terminology, or there is need to undertake extensive research and translate complex language and concepts.

109424D – IELTS Test Preparation

IELTS PREPARATION COURSE covers the four major sections of the IELTS test, including Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. This course prepares you to achieve your desired IELTS score as well as develops your academic language and skills for tertiary education.

109422F – General English

GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE focuses on real everyday English for communication. This course builds your confidence and develops your skills to function in an English-speaking country. Apart from developing core skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), this course provides students with pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar support.