Australian Institute of Language (AIL)

Australian Institute of Language (AIL) is a Registered Training Organisation and a CRICOS provider. Situated in the heart of Melbourne CBD, AIL enjoys an industry reputation – NEAS quality endorsed centre, NAATI endorsed course provider, AEAS official course partner, ETS TOEFL authorised test centre, and one of the largest official IELTS test centres in Australasia, offering both computer-delivered and paper-based IELTS test service to test takers.

AIL offers a range of ELICOS programs including General English, IELTS Test Preparation Courses, and EAP as well as nationally recognised qualifications such as Diploma of Interpreting, and Advanced Diploma of Translating.

We aspire to deliver the highest standard of service to our students and are committed to the vision, mission, goals and success of our students and educators. What we promise is what we deliver. We always deliver products of exceptional quality that add value to all involved for the long term. We focus our attention on the students’ successful outcome.

Our mission is to train and lift the students to a higher vision and standard enabling them to build their skills, performance and personality beyond their normal limitations and in the process emerge prepared to contribute productively, responsibly and ethically.

We conduct nationally recognised qualifications and based on industry endorsed competency standards, assuring students vocational education and training, by delivering courses from the National Interpreting and Translating Packages.



PSP50922 – Diploma of Interpreting

This course is designed for those who wish to interpret from a source language to a target language, in general dialogue and monologue settings where the interpreter is able to physically control the discourse to assist retention and recall.

PSP60822 – Advanced Diploma of Translating

This course is designed for preparing translators to translate texts where there may be significant equivalence problems between source and target text, the subject of the text has its own specific terminology, or there is need to undertake extensive research and translate complex language and concepts.

109424D – IELTS Test Preparation

IELTS PREPARATION COURSE covers the four major sections of the IELTS test, including Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. This course prepares you to achieve your desired IELTS score as well as develops your academic language and skills for tertiary education.

109422F – General English

GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE focuses on real everyday English for communication. This course builds your confidence and develops your skills to function in an English-speaking country. Apart from developing core skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), this course provides students with pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar support.

109423E – English for Academic Purposes

ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES COURSE is aimed at preparing students for studying in an Academic context such as TAFEs or universities. Students work on all skills, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking equally, in addition, study their Academic counterparts, such as presentations, critical thinking, lecture note-taking, referencing, listening to lectures, reading academic texts, and looking at cultural differences when studying in a tertiary course in Australia.


Finding somewhere to live is probably one of your greatest concerns on arrival. AIL is pleased to assist you in locating accommodation but it is up to you to make the necessary arrangements and decisions. If you have recently arrived in Melbourne, we can provide advice when inspecting accommodation.

Moving In

Once you have found your accommodation, try and give as much notice as possible before checking out of your temporary accommodation. If there are two or three of you moving together call one of the taxi companies and ask for a station wagon to transport your luggage.

Public Transport

Victoria has a fantastic public transport network. We have Trains (Metro or V-Line), Trams (Yarra Trams or City Circle), and Buses.

Private Transport

It’s easy to drive or cycle in Melbourne as an international student. However, there are certain rules you need to obey in order to travel safely not just for you, but also for the community.

Health and Medical

Each public hospital has a 24 Hour Emergency and Casualty department where you may seek help after hours and during weekends. Expect to wait a long time to see a doctor at a public hospital unless of course it is an emergency. You should check whether your OSHC provider covers out-patient treatment.


The main types of financial institutions in Australia offering banking and financial services are banks, credit unions and building societies.


Finding part-time employment in a different country is a daunting experience, but with a little research and patience you may be able to find a part-time job to suit you. The job must not interfere with your course as studying is your number one priority.

Religious Organisations

While living away from family and friends, students often gain support and comfort through their religion. For some, finding spiritual guidance may be a simple matter of locating where and when gatherings and services are held.